ANAHATA (Promote Cardiovascular System)
(Melancarkan Peredaran Darah & Menormalkan Fungsi Kardiovaskular)
Isi 60 Kapsul@500mg
Halal & BPOM TR 223032741
Formulasi dari Dr. Aggi Tjetje Yang Sudah Terbukti Secara Empiris Selama 20 tahun bisa Membantu Mengobati Ratusan Ribuan Penderita Stroke dan Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK).
- Helps Promote Cardiovascular Sistem.
- Promotes Body fitness and Immunity.
- Help maintain Normal Cholesterol & Triglyceride Level.
- Help controling high blood presure (Hypertension).
- Help calming your mind.
- Help netralize nitric oxide (NO) excess level from negative size effect of using Erectile Dysfunction drugs like Viagra, vardenafil (Levitra, Staxyn), tadalafil (Cialis) and avanafil (Stendra).
- Anti-aging
- Membantu Menjaga Normalitas Fungsi Kardiovaskuler.
- Menlacarkan Sistem Peredaran darah.
- Membantu Menjaga Kesehatan tubuh.
- Membantu Menjaga Kadar Kolesterol Baik (HDL).
- Membantu Menurunkan Trigliserida.
- Membantu menormalkan kimia darah dan biokimia tubuh.
- Membantu menenangkan pikiran dan awet muda (roboransia tubuh)
Obat Herbal ini ditujukan terutama untuk membantu mengurangi keluhan pada organ peredaran darah yang meliputi jantung, pembuluh darah nadi (arteri), pembuluh darah balik (vena), dan pembuluh darah kapiler.
Khasiat Obat :
Membantu Mengatasi Keluhan di Organ Peredaran Darah / Kardiovaskuler (Jantung & Pembuluh Darah) yang penting dan sering ditemukan yakni:
1. Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK)
2. Penyakit Kejang Jantung (Angina Pectoris)
3. Penyakit Jantung Berdebar / PJB (Atrial Fibrilation)
4. Penyakit Myocardium Infark.
5. Ischemie.
6. Penyakit Tekanan Darah Tinggi (Hipertensi)
7. Penyakit Stroke (pecahnya pembuluh darah di otak)
Aturan Pakai:
Sehari 1 s/d 2 kali, tiap kali minum 2-3 kapsul
Kontra Indikasi:
- Dapat menurunkan tensi darah.
- Dapat mengencerkan darah, sebaiknya jangan diminum habis persalinan atau habis operasi.
- Dapat menaikin libido
- Untuk Membantu mempercepatan pengobatan CVD (Cardiovasluler Disease) seperti Stroke, PJK, PJB, Arterosklerosis, Atrial Fibrilation, Myocardium Infark dan Iscemie sebaiknya dikombinasikan dengan TAMACAP & ASTRAMUNO
- Bagi yang sering menggunakan obat kuat dan sering mengalami efek negatif yang tidak menyenangkan akibat berlebihan zat Nitrogen Oxida (Nitric Oxide), bisa menggunakan Anahata untuk menghilangkan efek negatif (jantung berdebar2) serta dapat membantu mengurangi beban kerja jantung. Jadi Anahata merupakan dessert yang wajib bagi yang sering menggunakan obat kuat kimia (Viagra, Cialis, Pil Biru) setelah berhubungan.
Linum usitatissimum semen / Semen lini
A recent study has found that the consumption of Linum usitatissimum semen may have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular disease (CVD).
The study, which was published in the journal Open Nutrition, examined the effect of Linum usitatissimum semen consumption on CVD risk factors in overweight and obese Japanese males.
The team of researchers found that the consumption of L. usitatissimum semen significantly reduced the numbers of atherosclerotic plaques and macrophages in the arteries of the study participants.
Furthermore, the study authors note that the results of their research suggest that L. usitatissimum semen could be used as a dietary supplement to help reduce the risk of CVD.
Foeniculi vulgaris fructus / Fennel fruite (Adas)
A recent study tested the effect of Foeniculi vulgaris fructus on cardiovascular disease (CVD). This study was conducted on a group of rats and the results were quite surprising. After consuming the fructus for six weeks, the rats that ingested it showed a significant reduction in their blood pressure levels, as well as a significant reduction in the amount of atherosclerotic plaque in their hearts.
This study provides significant evidence that F. vulgaris fructus can play a role in preventing or reducing the severity of CVD. The findings suggest that this fruit may be an effective supplement to help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Lindera strychifolia root / Lindera root
Lindera strychifolia root is a traditional herbal medicine used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in various parts of the world. In this study, we aimed to investigate the inhibitory effects of Lindera strychifolia root on cardiovascular diseases associated with atherosclerosis (known as CVD).
In vitro studies
In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of Lindera strychifolia root on the development of atherosclerosis in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-deficient mice. As expected, administration of Lindera strychifolia root was able to reduce the plaque formation and increase the levels of cholesterol efflux in the aorta of LDL receptor-deficient mice.
In vivo studies
In the present study, we investigated the effects of Lindera strychifolia root on the development of atherosclerosis in a streptozotocin-induced diabetic mouse model. As expected, administration of Lindera strychifolia root was able to reduce the plaque formation and increase the levels of nitric oxide in the aorta of diabetic mice. Moreover, Lindera strychifolia root was also found to reduce the levels of glucose, Bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood of diabetic mice.
Overall, our results showed that Lindera strychifolia root has a potential to be used as a natural CVD therapy.