PADOLIN (Migraine & Bakar Lemak)


1 Btl  60 Capsul @ 500 mgr

Halal & BPOM: 112 328 051

Penjelasan Singkat:

  • Obat Herbal ramuan dari Dr. Aggi Tjetje (Redkank Indonesia)
  • Membantu meredakan gejala sakit kepala
  • Meringankan rasa nyeri pada saat haid (Dysmenorrhea)
  • Mencegah penumpukan lemak
  • Memperlancar metabolisme tubuh
  • Membantu kurangi bau badan.



1. Help relieve headaches, menstrual pain as well as maintaining body shape by accelerating the body's metabolism (fat burning)

2. Reduce appetite.

Khasiat bila dikonsusi di saat-saat khusus:

Gejala Ringan 1 x 2 pil,  Gejala Berat 2 x 2-3 pil,  Gejala Kronis 3 x 2-3 pil

  • Mengurangi rasa sakit yang diakibatkan oleh gangguan Haid.
  • Meredakan gejala sakit kepala.


Bagi yang mau langsing tapi ada keluhan bawaan seperti gangguan sistem pencernaan seperti Maag, Gerd, Gangguan liver sebaiknya dikonsumsi bareng dengan TAMACAP.


  1. Asparagus Cochinchinensis Radix
  2. Gastrodiae Elatae Tuber
  3. Lycium Barbarium Fructus
  4. Rehmaniae Glutinosae Radix

Asparagus Cochinchinensis Radix: 


  • Syndrome of lung-stomach yin deficiency.
  • Kidney yin deficiency syndromes.

Biochemical contents: Saponin, aglikon, protosarsapogenin, asparagine, glukosa, fruktosa, 5-methoxy, methylfurfural, dan betastitosterol.

Pharmacological effects: In vitro antibiotics, antineoplastic, according to recent research are used to treat fibrocystic breast disorders, breast and lymphatic cancer. In western medicine it is said to have diuretic properties but is rarely used.

Gastrodiae Elatae Tuber


  1. Extinquish wind and stop spasm, pacify liver yang, dispel wind and unblock collateral.
  2. Used to treat headache, migraine, vertigo, hemiplegia, tingling, epilepsy


  • Syndrome of stirring of liver wind: acute infantile convulsion
  • Syndrome of liver yang hyperactivity: Dizziness, haeadach, migraine.
  • Wind stroke, wind-damp arthralgia: Paralysis, numbness of limbs

Pharmacological effects: anticovulsant, sedative action, reduces ischemic heart complaints and infarction, is used to treat headache, neuralgia, (trigeminal neuralgia).

Lycium Barbarum Fructus / Gouqizi

Class: 16, herbs to correct deficiencies

Meridians: Liver, Lungs and Kidneys

Actions: Nourish liver and kidney yin, supplement blood and essence and improve vision.


  • Various essence and blood deficiency syndromes
  • Blurred vision due to liver and kidney deficiency

Biochemical contents: Alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, tannin, glikosida, dan steroid / triterpenoid.

Pharmacological effects: It is used as a tonic, stimulates immunity and is hypoglycemic, increases uterine contractions, increases erythropoiesis and leukocytes, and anti-neoplastic.

Notes: experiment have show that Gouqizi can protect the liver and reduce blood sugar. Gouqizi can tonify the kidneys. It is good for dizziness, vertigo and lumbago, due to kidney deficiency, as well as for dizziness and vertigo, due to liver deficiency. It is also good for nourishing the liver to sharpen vision. Gouqizi can be decocted with juhua to nourish the liver and sharpen vision. This combination is considered very beneficial for people who suffering from dizziness and blure vision.

Rehmaniae Glutinosae Radix / Shu Di Huang

Class: 16, herbs to correct deficiencies

Actions:  tone up blood, stop bleeding, clear heat and cool blood,  water kidneys, nourish yin and make grey hair return to former colour.

Meridian: liver and kidney


  • Blood deficiency, grey hair, ringing in ear, night sweats, vaginal bleeding, diabetes and seminal emission.
  • Heat entering nutrient-blood in warm diseases: Thirsty, Bleeding due to blood heat:
  • Syndrome of yin deficiency: night sweat, spermatorrhea, infertility,

Biochemical contents: Iridoid, alcohol phenethyl, glikosida, monoterpen cyclopentanoid, dan norcarotenoids.

Pharmacological effects: Help cure hypertension

Notes: experiements have show that Rehmaniae Glutinosae (Shu di huang) can protect the liver and reduce blood sugar